Thursday, December 6, 2007

Costume Day!...Day -5

Whirlwind of a day! Afternoon rehearsal added the "orchestra," which I must say sounds pretty great, as professional as can be. After an afternoon of mic checks, we settled in for our first run with both costumes and full band. It was a lot to handle, but the cast came through better than anyone could have expected. Ted was incognito pre-performance, and seeing him for the first time in costume on stage during the overture was definitely an awe-inspiring sight. Corey has been turning it up a notch each time he steps on the stage. Plus, it was cool to sit backstage with him and the rest of the cast quoting "Coming to America" and talking about Stephen King books.
The show is gearing up, and all the tech is coming together. Each day it gets more exciting and intense to perform. Tomorrow night is an invited preview of sorts, and it should be interesting to have an audience after so little time. We'll see how it goes, and I'll let you know what happens!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's the difference between the orchestra and the "orchestra"?