Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tech Day #2....Day -6

The show is on its feet! Corey and Ted both showed up last night while we were teching and everyone has been feeling pretty good so far. Last night, the Movin' Out National Tour showed up at our hotel because they got caught in bad weather in Calgary, so everyone pretty much went out last night to a bar at some point to socialize or simply blow off some steam. Banff is quite awesome, like a ski town in Colorado but with a bit of a resort feel to it. Good times were definitely had by all last night.
Today, the JC understudies and Ted got to "fly," or get rigged up for the crucifiction scene. It was awesome. Plus, I got to meet Ted and have lunch with him. He lives up to his reputation as perhaps the nicest and most down-to-earth person you could meet. He sat with myself and Nate (the other JC understudy) and just was so honest and genuine. I look forward to the tour more and more each day as the teching continues. Tonight, Corey and Ted start on stage, so we'll have full cast for our work-thru. Should be great!

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